What a read!

After a small respite, I’m instantly back in the picture caught up in the fear and the adrenaline rush that Carrie is having, that divine tension to break out of the ever increasing restrictions stifling the will to be fully alive and to live freely. The fear that stands and looks, opposed to the faith that leaps and sees.

Death being but a small price to pay for that one moment of abandonment. Fantastic that so many heard the refrain emanating from the cob tree and Meg encouraging Carrie not to give up, despite the cost to her own life, even deafness could not eradicate the muscle memory of music as seen previously with Mrs Giles. Amazing storyline. It should be more widely published for all to read.

Sorry if it’s a bit disjointed but am having a bit more of a disconnect than usual atm with the FND but I won’t let that bother me too much! 🥰

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Thank you so much for your lovely comment 😊 I'm so glad you're enjoying the story and Carrie's journey, and that her choices (however risky) resonate with you. We're not far from the end now!

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